Our Service

What we offer…

Clifton Lawns is an 18 bed specialist nurse led rehabilitation unit registered with the Care Quality Commission under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. We offer support to adult males between the age of 18-65 with enduring mental health issues including personality disorder.

We provide 24 hour Registered Mental Health nurse cover. We welcome service users who may be on a Supervised Community Treatment Order, Sec 37/41 (Conditional Discharge) or on an informal basis.

Every service user at Clifton Lawns follows a treatment plan developed just for them. Together, the resident and the staff team design an individualised therapeutic program to help the resident help themselves. This collaborative process gives service users a sense of investment, empowerment and ownership of their recovery process.


Our treatment philosophy is built on the overriding goal of helping any individual obtain optimal health in all aspects of their life.

We start by listening to each individual.

What does he want for his life?

What skills does he need to help him achieve those goals? 

What strengths does he bring to treatment?

These are the areas they can build upon while learning new skills that help them to achieve their personal outcomes.

Our service at a glance...

24hr Registered Mental Health nurse cover

Individualised therapeutic program

18 bed specialist nurse led rehabilitation unit

Adult males between the age of 16-65

Our Approach to Recovery

Discover our approach to recovery and how we use the Recovery Star Model.

Activities at Clifton Lawns

An integral part of an individual’s recovery is their development of social networks.

At Clifton Lawns, staff are able to, in conjunction with service users, identify themes of activity and create groups to facilitate social interaction.


Examples of some of the groups organised and run regularly by the Home are:


• Cooking

• Relaxation therapy

• Art Group

• Creative therapy

• Tai-chi
• Football

Activity programmes are frequently reviewed with the service users, who remain absolutely central to this process at all times.

As the service users’ recovery process progresses, they are increasingly encouraged and supported to get involved with activities held in the local community, including:


• Volunteer dog walking at a local animal sanctuary
• Accessing the local gym and leisure facilities
• Attending a horticultural project
• Working at a farm-based day centre
• Attending community-led walking and cycling groups
• Attending a variety of short courses held at a local neighbourhood learning centre, including, drama, personal safety, cooking on a budget & glass painting)


We adopt a holistic approach and therefore offer a wide range of activities to suit all ages and abilities. Some of our activities are seasonal and all activities are changeable to ensure we are consistently responding to residents’ needs and preferences.


Although service users may not think about working in the initial stages of their recovery, they are encouraged to make use of voluntary work opportunities to assist them in identifying the type of employment which may suit them in the future. Examples of voluntary work undertaken by our existing residents include conservation and gardening work, farm work, retail work in local charity shops and joinery/building work.

These voluntary opportunities support service users in developing sufficient skills and confidence to enable them to visualise a realistic working future.

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